Customized Credit Solutions
Auto List Bad Credit Car Loans
Customized Credit Solutions
How To Get a Bad Credit Car Loan
When you want to purchase a vehicle with bad credit, applying for a pre-approval will allow you to set a budget in mind for your next new vehicle. Applying for a bad credit car loan at Auto List has never been easier.
By reviewing the information you provide us, our auto loan lenders are able to determine how much you can be lent to help you find your next new vehicle, while also keep you within your budget. With our inventory of over 1,000 vehicles consisting of cars, trucks, SUVs and vans, we are confident we will find you something to meet your expectations.
If you are unsure about your current credit situation, it is a wise idea to go through with the pre-approval process with us. Your vehicle shopping experience will be a lot more enjoyable if you know from the start whether you qualify for a prime finance program, or due to some credit hiccups, you may qualify for our in house financing program. Either way, this information that you will acquire with a pre-approval is very valuable information to you.
If your application is approved as submitted through a prime bank, you are able to shop with confidence knowing that your loan will be approved once you select the vehicle that is suiting to you.
As a lender ourselves, we look at many factors when determining your approval, but the main three factors are:
- Your Credit Score
- Your Income
- Amount for Down Payment
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Steps in the Pre-Approval Process
Step 1
We proceed with a credit check which is done by our lenders
Step 2
Verification of financial and employment information
Step 3
Lender is chosen and amount you are qualified for is determined
Step 4
You are now able to start shopping with a clear budget in mind!